All IT support requests to be logged via one of the following options in order as displayed;

  1. First option to request support    –  Email                  : 
  2. If email not available                      –  Land Line          :           021 200 1817
  3. Whatsapp IT Support                                                        :           084 940 4878

Response times are determined by the severity of the IT support request;

Severity Levels:

PREVENTIVE or low priority support

  • General maintenance on IT equipment or infrastructure
  • No impact on normal business functions
  • Actioned or Completed within 4 to 5 working days
  • Examples: Clean printers / PC’s or Fix cabling etc

CORRECTIVE or medium priority support

  • Minor problem not impacting operation of computer
  • Actioned or Completed within 2 to 3 working days
  • Examples: Faulty printer, Faulty Fan, Software updates etc

URGENT or high priority support

  • Significant business impact. Customer computer or service not working
  • Actioned or Completed within 8hours or 1 working day
  • Examples: Main Printer Faulty, PC not switching on etc

CRITICAL priority support

  • Critical business impact causing total business stoppage
  • Actioned or Completed with 2 hours
  • Examples: Internet Off, Email Down, etc


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